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Director's Office Division of the Teacher's Education Center



Job Responsibilities


Chen, Ya-Ling

  1. Process the business in the Center

  2. Schedule the Educational Program Development Project and the related rules.

  3. Set up the internship and mentoring related rules

  4. Supervise each person's work and performance evaluation

  5. Process the work assigned for the occasion

Group Member

Wang, Jen-Ping

  1. Handling the appointment and promotion of full-time faculty members in the Teacher Education Center.

  2. Managing the operations of the Teacher Evaluation Committee within the center.

  3. Organizing administrative meetings within the center.

  4. Administering the development and implementation of regulations for the Teacher Education Center.

  5. Overseeing teacher training evaluations and institutional assessments within the Teacher Education Center.

  6. Managing teacher evaluations within the Teacher Education Center.

  7. Supervising the execution and assessment of the center’s academic development plan.

  8. Collaborating on projects related to university-level teaching research centers subsidized by the Ministry of Education.

  9. Assisting in conducting subject-specific cognitive assessments for elementary school teacher candidates as part of the Ministry of Education’s initiatives.

  10. Conducting surveys on employment rates for graduates of teacher education programs.

  11. Handling website-related matters for the center.

  12. Managing procurement and budget allocation for various center-related activities.

  13. Compiling and reporting internal data within the center.

  14. Submitting information related to personal data and information technology equipment to the computing center.

  15. Maintaining the central registry for official documents within the center.

  16. Handling ad hoc tasks assigned by superiors.

Group Member

Kung ,Yi

  1. Handling applications and assessments (including quarterly assessments) for the Enhancement of Teacher Quality and Specialized Development Program, as well as maintaining the program’s results website.

  2. Managing applications and assessments for the Curriculum and Pedagogy Talent Development Program.

  3. Processing applications and assessments for the Teacher Education User Satisfaction Rating (USR).

  4. Coordinating matters related to domestic and international academic conferences on teacher education organized by the Ministry of Education.

  5. Implementing the Ministry of Education’s service program inspired by the spirit of Dr. Schweitzer.

  6. Administering the university’s programs for overseas educational observation, internships, and international exchanges based on the philosophy of Dr. Schweitzer.

  7. Collaborating on initiatives with professional development schools.

  8. Publishing the “Teacher Education Newsletter.”

  9. Managing the center’s Facebook page.

  10. Overseeing the management of the teacher candidates’ learning process verification system.

  11. Handling ad hoc tasks assigned by superiors.



Educational Program Division in theTeacher's Education  Center



Job Responsibilities

Section Chief

Lee, Tsu-Nan

To process the business in the Center

Group Member

Tsai, Yu-Yuan

  1. Handling quota reporting and the establishment of program guidelines for educational programs.

  2. Organizing information sessions for the selection process of educational programs.

  3. Managing the operations of the Educational Program Committee.

  4. Administering course scheduling and student enrollment for various subject-specific teacher education programs (including prerequisite application processes, cross-departmental course requests, and credit overload requests).

  5. Processing credit recognition and exemptions for educational courses in various subject areas.

  6. Compiling student handbooks for educational programs.

  7. Conducting course selection briefings for the educational programs.

  8. Managing the operations of the center’s Curriculum Committee.

  9. Handling the Ministry of Education’s approved quotas and guidelines for teacher education scholarships.

  10. Managing the operations of the Teacher Education Scholarship Committee.

  11. Coordinating collaborative teaching across courses.

  12. Drafting relevant business regulations and overseeing curriculum revisions for teacher education programs in various subject areas.

  13. Reviewing, printing, and issuing certificates of completed educational course credits for teacher education programs.

  14. Handling ad hoc tasks assigned by superiors.

Group Member

Lee, Chieh-Tsung

  1. Processing applications for specialized and minor specialized courses by teacher candidates at our university.

  2. Managing the dual-language teaching minor specialized courses at our university.

  3. Handling the selection process for educational programs.

  4. Administering the selection process for teacher scholarship recipients.

  5. Managing the application, reporting, and class setup for post-bachelor’s credit classes (in indigenous languages and Hakka).

  6. Handling curriculum revisions and reporting for specialized and minor specialized courses for elementary school teachers in various subject areas.

  7. Assisting in credit classes for in-service teachers to enhance their bilingual teaching skills.

  8. Organizing workshops or courses related to vocational education and career planning.

  9. Processing applications and assessments for the Ministry of Education’s specialized programs for indigenous teacher education.

  10. Maintaining system databases (such as those for educational research and evaluation centers at National Taiwan Normal University and National Kaohsiung Normal University).

  11. Reporting on the integration of major educational issues into the curriculum.

  12. Handling the appointment and budget verification for mentors in various subject-specific teacher education programs, as well as managing program class meetings.

  13. Managing the use, rental, and maintenance of specialized classrooms within the Teacher Education Center.

  14. Processing applications and assessments for the Ministry of Education’s outdoor education credit program.

  15. Assisting in the selection process for various subject-specific teacher education programs.

  16. Handling ad hoc tasks assigned by superiors.

Practicum and Guidance Division in Teacher's Education Center



Job Responsibilities

Section Chief

Lin, Hsien-Ming

To process the business in the Center

Group Member

Lin, Cing-Yi

  1. Handling tasks related to student teaching practicum (including registration, compilation, review, grouping, assignment of supervising teachers, creating appointment letters, disbursing institution subsidies, and issuing completion certificates).

  2. Conducting workshops for student teacher capacity-building (such as mock teaching assessments and online discussions).

  3. Organizing various student teaching meetings (including orientation sessions, pre-service workshops, and centralized debrief sessions).

  4. Administering surveys and compiling data related to student teaching experiences (including feedback from supervising professors, student satisfaction with placement institutions, and institutional satisfaction with student teachers).

  5. Managing matters related to student teaching in remote or indigenous areas.

  6. Implementing the Ministry of Education’s awards program for outstanding student teaching.

  7. Executing plans for educational counseling services (including support for high-quality placement institutions and financial assistance for economically disadvantaged student teachers).

  8. Conducting mock teacher qualification tests.

  9. Handling business related to the Student Teaching Review Committee.

  10. Managing local educational counseling services (USR) for teacher candidates.

  11. Addressing ad hoc tasks assigned by superiors.

Group Member

Fang, Ying-Ying

  1. Handling the selection, administrative contract signing, and reporting of publicly funded student teacher candidates’ mentoring and guidance plans (including quota management and assisting departments in confirming training conditions).

  2. Providing guidance to publicly funded student teachers (including course selection coordination, organizing discussion sessions, managing voluntary tutoring applications and execution, assessing semester performance, and evaluating educational competencies).

  3. Managing the distribution of publicly funded student teachers (including return-to-campus discussions) and handling cases where service obligations are not fulfilled.

  4. Processing applications for adding specialized endorsements to teacher certificates (including application acceptance, compilation, review, creating certificates for specialized courses, and corresponding with the Ministry of Education).

  5. Handling applications for adding minor specialized endorsements to teacher certificates (including application acceptance, compilation, review, creating certificates for specialized courses, and corresponding with the Ministry of Education).

  6. Processing applications for attaching specialized or minor specialized endorsements to specific course subjects.

  7. Administering the reporting, voluntary assessment, counseling, and outcome reporting for Ministry of Education’s teacher education scholarship recipients.

  8. Integrating teacher enhancement workshops/workshops into the curriculum.

  9. Managing teacher clinical teaching experiences.

  10. Addressing ad hoc tasks assigned by superiors.

Group Member

Liu, Xin-Li

  1. Handling various tasks related to teacher qualification examinations, including statistical analysis of pass rates and implementation of improvement plans.

  2. Managing teacher qualification examination counseling services and overseeing the guidance community.

  3. Processing applications and reviews for the initial teacher certificates of both new system graduates (theory before practice) and old system graduates (practice before theory).

  4. Administering applications and qualification reviews for specialized subject teacher certificates.

  5. Managing the business of specialized subject course attachments for teacher education.

  6. Handling credit reviews and certificate issuance for pre-service education of old system graduates who have not completed student teaching.

  7. Conducting the affairs of the university’s Teacher Qualification Review Committee.

  8. Reviewing and issuing certificates for credit completion in educational professional courses for teacher education program graduates and pre-service education certificates for new system graduates.

  9. Organizing teacher candidate practical teaching ability assessments, pedagogical workshops, and teacher education exhibition-related tasks.

  10. Managing equipment borrowing and usage within the center.

  11. Addressing ad hoc tasks assigned by superiors.